Dramatic Growth quotables
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Over 4,000 fully open access, peer reviewed scholarly journals
- Adding 2 titles per day
OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories)
- About 1,500 open access repositories worldwide
- Adding 1 new repository every business day
Scientific Commons
- 30 million scientific publications free online
- Added 8 million publications in the last year
- Growing by more than 20,000 publications per day
- 20% of world's medical literature freely available 2 years after publication
- Close to 10% of world's medical literature freely available immediately on publication
- 1 new journal chooses to submit all or most content to PMC every business day
- 1 more medical journal becomes fully open access in PMC every other business day
PLoS ONE may soon become the world's largest scholarly journal. As reported this quarter on IJPE, based on Peter Binfield's presentation at ELPUB 2009, PLoS ONE is already among the very largest of the world's academic journals, and, if current trends continue, will become THE world's largest journal sometime in 2010. PLoS ONE is one of the journals published by the high prestige, not-for-profit publisherPublic Library of Science.
Milestones this quarter
- Scientific Commons exceeds 30 million publications
- PubMedCentral internal researchers' self-archiving rates now exceed 50% (for publications within past 3 years, and overall)
Selected Details
Directory of Open Access Journals
- 4,361 journals
- Strong year (added 693 journals), slow quarter (109 titles). Note that additions to DOAJ are not the same as the total number of open access journals, but rather likely to reflect staffing / workflow issues. For example, this quarter covers summer months and the first OASPA conference, which Lund University, home of DOAJ, helped to host. Slow growth this quarterly is very likely to reflect such variables as vacation schedules and possibly staff secondments to help with the conference.
- Strong growth in number of journals searchable at article level (32% annual increase, now 1,664 titles)
- Strong growth in articles searchable at article level (59% increase, now at 315,407)
- # journals actively participating in PMC 671
- # journals in PMC with immediate free access 517
- # journals in PMC with all articles open access 396
Open Access Mandate Policies (from ROARMAP)
- Departmental 14
- Funder 41
- Institutional 43
- Thesis 33
- Total 131
- Proposed Mandates 15
IF YOU HAVE AN OPEN ACCESS POLICY, please register with ROARMAP. The ROARMAP numbers are likely understated, for example many people have pointed out that the number of thesis deposit policies is likely much higher than what is reported in ROARMAP. Registering helps with the numbers, but more importantly, a link to your policy can be most helpful for others still developing their own policies.
Minor setbacks this quarter
PubMedCentral fully open access journals: despite strong annual growth, the number of fully OA journals participating in PMC dropped by 2 this quarter.
Highwire Free: the number of free articles has dropped since last year by over 4,000.
CARL Metadata Harvester: strong annual growth is offset by a loss of about 600 items this quarter (weeding project, perhaps?).
The Dramatic Growth of Open Access Dataverse (spreadsheets for download - thanks to Harvard)
Google docs for viewing (full)
Google docs for viewing (show growth)
Day = calendar day (total / 365 days per year)
Business day = calendar days - 104 (weekends), total / 261
This post is part of the Dramatic Growth of Open Access series.