OpenDOAR added 129 repositories for a total of 2,857. The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine added close to 3 million documents for a total of over 71 million documents. Another 7,690 authors joined the Social Sciences Research Network for a total of over 275,000 authors.
Internet Archive added 1.7 million texts for 7.8 million.

The Directory of Open Access Journals, in spite of vigorous weeding and re-organizing over the past year or so, is back to showing consistent strong growth, adding 254 titles this quarter for slightly under 3 titles per day. Over the past year, the growth in articles that can be retrieved through a DOAJ article-level search grew by over a quarter of a million articles for a total of over 1.8 million articles! 20 more publishers joined the Directory of Open Access Books - as of today, DOAB includes 100 publishers. Highwire Press added 9 completely free sites this quarter. The number of journals with immediate free access in PubMedCentral increased by 43 to a total of 1,443.
Congratulations and thanks to all of the people and organizations working hard to make open access happen. This is a major step for every author signing up for a repository, every journal moving to immediate free. I wish I had the time to thank and celebrate each of your accomplishments individually.
This post is part of the Dramatic Growth of Open Access series.
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