There are now more than 2,000 journals actively participating in PubMedCentral. Over the past year, this number grew by 178 - that's close to one more new entire journal actively contributing content to PMC every business day.
PMC now has over 3.5 million items. This means that about 15% of all the 24 million items cited in PMC (regardless of date of publication) have free fulltext available linked from PubMed.
In the last 7 years, the number of NIH funded articles indexed in PubMed (again regardless of date of publication) available for free grew from 86 thousand to over 600 thousand or from 34% to 71%.

Other small milestones: there are now over 100 publishers of open access scholarly books listed in the Directory of Open Access Books; the Social Sciences Research Network now includes over half a million full text papers; the Registry of Open Access Repositories now lists over 4,000 repositories; and the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine now has more than 75 million documents. Congratulations and thanks to everyone who is doing all the behind-the-scenes work that results in this dramatic increase in access to our knowledge (whether your initiative is highlighted this particular issue or not). To download the data go to the DGOA dataverse.
Selected data
Directory of Open Access Journals is going through a clean-up project; the number of journals listed decreased by 45 this semester (over the past year growth of 471 titles). Journals and articles searchable by article both grew this quarter.
The Directory of Open Access Books lists 3,197 titles from 107 publishers; over 50% annual growth for both numbers.
The Electronic Journals Library added 801 journals that can be read free-of-charge for a total approaching 50,000 titles.
The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine added more than 3.6 million documents for a total over over 75 million documents.
This quarter PubMedCentral added the following (journal rather than article data). A key point is that increases are happening consistently in every category.
- 33 journals actively participating in PMC (total over 2,000)
- 23 journals with immediate free access (total 1,468)
- 24 journals with all articles open access (total 1,260)
- 46 journals that deposit ALL content in PMC (total 1,683)
- 9 more journals that deposit NIH-funded content only (total 310)
- 268 journals that deposit selected content in PMC (total 3,246)
RePEC added over 64 thousand downloadable items for a total of over 1.6 million. The Logec service has lots of great stats (downloads, content by type and by date); highly recommended for anyone looking for more detail in this area.
Social Sciences Research Network added close to 13 thousand fulltextpapers for a total of more than half a million.
Internet Archive added:
- 100,000 movies for a total of over 2 million
- 4,000 concerts for a total of 153 thousand
- 100,000 audio recordings for a total of over 2.5 million
- 300,000 texts for a total of over 8 millio
♡2015 by Heather Morrison. Copying is an act of love. Please copy. (from Copyheart).
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