This semester I am teaching a course at the University of British Columbia's School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS), LIBR 559L: Issues in Scholarly Communications. The class will be a mix of theory, practice, and discussion.
The practice element involves class creation of a sample journal using Open Journal Systems, and along the way practising each element of writing, editing, reviewing, and publishing, as well as self-archiving and managing a small sample archive. Many thanks to UBC Library staff, especially Bronwen Sprout and Hilde Coldenbrander, and SFU's Kevin Stranack, for their assistance with the class exercises. Thanks very much to all the speakers coming to visit the class, too - for details, see the Course Syllabus at: - and a special thank-you to Dr. Rosie Redfield, whom I met after the Syllabus was developed.
The class blog is at: