Friday, October 03, 2008

arXiv exceeds half a miliion items!

Today, arXiv passed the milestone of half a million items!

The arXiv physics e-prints server and founder Paul Ginsparg was an early pioneer in open access, and is among the oldest, largest, and most-used open access archives in the world today. The main arXiv server at Cornell University Library not only hosts the more than half a million preprints, it also serves the considerable demand from physicists and others around the world, with usage statistics in the hundreds of thousands or even over a million on a typical day. That's just the main server, too - arXiv has 18 mirror sites around the world.

Congratulations and thanks to arXiv and everyone involved with arXiv.

Hat tip to Peter Suber.

This post is part of the Dramatic Growth of Open Access Series.